Chrome just scared me half to death. qoq

I had a bunch of tabs open, and I just left them open to go eat supper like I usually do. ;u; I came back a few minutes ago, and then Chrome just crashed all of a sudden, and when I reopened it I got a notification saying my preferences couldn't be read because the file was invalid or corrupted? D: I don't know what happened, this hasn't happened before. //dies

Then my bookmarks bar decided to disappear out of nowhere, which was great. -throws hands in the air- I kind of panicked for a minute because I have a looooot of stuff bookmarked (mainly old conversations and RES discussions, aha). It's all still there though, which is really great. :'D

Anyway, it's nine forty five, so I have to get off for tonight. ;-;

Good night guys! uvu