I'm actually using my laptop to write tonight. xD

Yesss. xDD 

Anyway, I told you guys I'd tell you what happened during Winter Carnival, right? ewe

They devoted the entire afternoon to a bunch of different activities- musical chairs, tug-of-war, sock wrestling, dodgeball, and a bunch of other things too. uvu There are four teams, red, blue, green and yellow, all competing for points, which are added up on the last day of Winter Carnival, and the winning team gets this trophy for the rest of the year. ewe

There was one activity called the pudding drop, and they had someone from each team lay down on the floor underneath this catwalk above the main lobby, and a partner from that same team go upstairs and stand above them on the catwlak itself. Then they had the people standing upstairs drop spoonfulls of pudding onto the four people laying down- whoever had the most in their mouth by the end of it won, aha! My team, the yellow team, won, even though the guy laying down for us was on the red team? x'D  

Lauren had so much pudding in her hair, and Zachery just flung the rest of his pudding down at the people laying down- there was pudding on the wall-bit of the catwalk, and after school they had people come with squeegees and a mop to try to get the pudding off the wall. X3 

Kayla, Aimee, Leland and I thiiink Noah ended up playing dodgeball, which was played with four teams instead of two. ewe Kayla sort of played from the back the second time they played, and she managed to stay standing the whole game, which was great. ^^ 

One of the boys on the blue team had a reeally good throwing arm- he didn't just throw it at you, he basically shot it. ;o; I've seen him around a bunch, I think his name's Jared. Not the same Jared as the guy I'm friends with though. xD 

There was an activity called 'fly on the wall', too, where they had one person from each team stand on a bench that was pushed against a wall, and then literally ductaped them to the wall! x'D My social studies teacher thought I'd be good for it, but I didn't even know it was happening until they had already started, aha. ^^; 

There was this thing called 'blind artist' too, where they put a blindfold on one person from each team and gave them something to draw. Whoever was blindfolded had to draw what they were given on the board, with their blindfolds on, within a set amount of time, and the rest of us had to guess. uvu This is actually where I met David, we were on the same team and he made me go and draw for our team one round. xD

I tried to make him go up the next round, but they got someone else to go and do it. He sort of started talking to Kayla and I, and then it just sort of continued the next day, aha. 

The whole 'potato guy' thing comes from the conversation we had during blind artist. After they'd gotten someone else to go and draw (she's actually another one of my friends! owo) he looked at me and said 'Come on, you had fun. Admit it.' or something like that. So I asked him 'What about you?' and he said he always has fun. Then Kayla asked him 'What if you're dying a slow, painful death?' and he literally asks her 'Am I eating mashed potatoes?' and she tells him no, and then he asks her what kind of death it is again, so she repeats it, and he just goes 'But are there potatoes?' and she tells him no again, and he just casually goes 'Well that's no fun then.' 

We didn't actually find out his name until the next day after school, after he'd already passed us in the hallway and said hi and I asked Kayla what his name was and neither of us knew. So I sort of dubbed him Potato Guy until we figured out his name, and then I just decided that hey, maybe I'll call him that anyway. x'DD

They had musical chairs during the activities for Winter Carnival, which ended up getting sort of intense. xD People kept sitting down before the music stopped, which usually ended up with everybody panicking and sitting down too, aha! I got second place in the round I played, I think it was Ashley that beat me. ewe

The yellow team ended up winning this year's Winter Carnival, and they did last year too, aha. I'm not sure about the year before, but the teacher leading the team gets really competitive, which ends up being really funny, ahaah. X3 She's my social studies teacher too, so it gets brought up in class every so often. xD

Anyway, I'm out of stuff to say and I have homework to do, so I think I'm going to get off for tonight. uvu

This ended up being a lot longer than I thought it'd be, but it's better than the three and four lines I've been leaving for entries recently, which is good. owo

I'll be on tomorrow! :D

Good night guys! ewe