I think they forgot to put the filter back on the school wifi when they fixed it. :D xD

Yesss. xD

I can get on RES and Tumblr, which is unusual, because usually they're blocked, aha. ewe

I'm just in English now, we're watching The Boy in The Striped Pajamas. uvu I've already seen it though, so I'm working on my novel study and writing this. :3 I'm still sort of paying attention to the movie, though, so I'm basically doing three things at once. xD

It's ten PM now, and I'm trying to finish my novel study because it's due tomorrow. D: I might print off what I've got and just do the rest in my room, I'm not sure yet. 030 //shrugs

I figured I'd get this done right quick though, just in case I forget or run out of time. ^^

Anyway, I'm going to keep working on my novel study, so I'm going to get off for tonight. owo

Good night guys! -w-