I've been watching Netflix for like three hours. xD

Yess. xDD

Melissa went to Myles's place around five, and then Mum and I started watching some stuff. uvu The first thing we watched was this movie called Sydney White, which is basically a different, modern version of Snow White. owo I really liked it!

The second thing we watched was this movie called Chronicle. ewe We didn't get to finish it, but I'm probably going to finish it sometime on my own. ^^ It's this movie about these three guys who basically end up with telekinesis, and it's really realistic- like the stuff they do or try is exactly what people would actually do, aha. :3 

Anyway, it's ten thirty PM and I'm really tired, so I'm going to stop writing for tonight. ;u;' 

I'll be on again tomorrow! :D

Night guys! ewe