I'm watching youtube videos! uvu

Yesss. owo I found this youtuber that's really cool, aha. xD He's called boyinaband, and I hadn't actually heard of him until today, but I really like his videos so far. ^^

I figured I'd get this done now, since I have like fifteen minutes but I'm still watching youtube videos, aha. xD I'll try to have a longer entry done for tomorrow, though! :3 

It turns out Sparkles and my sister are literally the same age! :o They both have their birthday on November fifth, and they're both twelve, which is really cool! ewe 

I'm going to have my hair cut tomorrow after school- it's getting realllly long, and I haven't had it cut in a while anyway, and then on top of that I'm getting an academic award from school on Wednesday too. .3. I'm not sure what time it's at, though. //shrugs

Anyway, I think I'm going to stop writing for tonight. ;u;'

I'll be on again tomorrow for sure! :D

Good night guys! X3