My sister just called Gerard Way ugly. D:

YEAH. ;U; My immediate reaction was to just go 'HOW DARE YOU' three times really loudly, because seriously, how dare she. xD //shot 

She's been hanging out in my room since like five PM and it's six forty five now, aha. owo

Anyway, Dad's working so I can't show you guys the art I did on my 3DS because I don't have the time to search my SD card, so I'll try to do that tomorrow! uvu

I can show you guys this, though! xD 


Someone made this MCR reference the other day and it was so clever, oh my god. :'D I asked them if I could put it here and they said yes, and I just whited out their username. .3.

I can't get over it though, they're pretty much just messing with the entire category (some discussions are a little.. dirtier than others, but this one was way too clever to pass up ahahaha!) and they're pretty funny to watch, most of the time! :D

I've been listening to a lot of MCR today, actually. o.o I'm listening to Famous Last Words right now, and that's almost over, so I'm probably going to put on another song, aha. uvu Melissa likes them too, so that's good! ^^ She likes some of their songs, at least. xDD She didn't like Famous Last Words, but that's okay. -shrugs-

I accidentally forgot my MP3 player in my locker at school, in the pocket of this short-sleeved sweater I have. D: At least that's where I hope it is, because it's not in my schoolbag. ;u;'

Anyway, I'm going to get off for tonight, because Dad needs the internet and I don't want to slow it down on him. uvu

I'll be on tomorrow, and I'll try to show you guys my art and tell you about the stuff I said I would then! :D

Good night guys! X3