I'm trying to find old character forms on RES. uvu

Yeppp. ^^ I haven't really been successful so far, but I still have a looong way to go yet, aha. xD

Anyway, I finally got around to converting a bunch of art I did on flipnote! :D I'm actually on my laptop tonight too, and I have like an hour and a half to type, so I figured I'd post my art and tell you guys the stuff I promised I would! uvu


I actually did this one back in like November, and I've been meaning to get it posted but I haven't had the chance up until now. 030; I'm going to upload it to dA too, since Kayla, Nick and Andy are in it, and Bow co-owns King with me too, so I want to show them all! :3 I'm probably going to have that up by the time this is posted, aha. xD It's based on this tumblr post Kayla showed me once. ewe


This was another doodle, actually! xD I'm really, really proud of it though, because I haven't done animation like this before, and I love how it came out. :o I didn't edit anything, which is why the letters for the 'how should I feel' bit are still there, and why there are a bunch of extra lines in her hair and her shirt. xD I did this one a while ago too, I thiiiink it was sometime in January maybe? .3. I'm not totally sure, aha. //shot


This is the other drawing of Alexander I was talking about! :D I don't remember if I mentioned it was of him or not, but I did mention having other art from Flipnote 3D that I couldn't find, and this is that art! uvu I dooon't think I ended up converting it up until last night though, because it was in one of the folders I'd already checked, aha. xD

I'm still not a huge fan of the new Flipnote, simply because the speeds are different and it's a little awkward to use after using the original Flipnote for three years, but I still like to doodle on it, ahaha. ewe


This one was sort of inspired by this thing they said on the news while I was staying with my grandparents a few weeks ago- they were talking about how it might snow in one of the neighboring provinces (I can't remember which one, aha) and the announcer just sort of went 'say it ain't snow' and the first thing I thought was Blink-182's song All The Small Things, because there's a line in it that goes 'say it ain't so' xD

It's probably not a reference to Blink-182, but that's what I thought of, aha! X3


I don't remember when I drew this, but it wasn't too long ago, anyway. ^^ I really like it for some reason, though I'm not actually sure why. I'm noticing now that I forgot Rikuo's earrings though, ehhhhh. D: ;=; I might edit them in later, I'm not sure. //shrugs// 030

Anyway, I know I said I was going to get all my explaining done tonight, but I want to watch something with Dad and Melissa, and we've only got another like forty minutes to do that, aha. ;u;' I'll try to get on here earlier tomorrow, like I did tonight, so I can do it then! ^^

I'll be on tomorrow! :D
Good night guys! X3