Tomorrow is my last day of school for the summer! :D

Yeah! ewe Alice is going to be coming down here the day after that too, and then on the fourth I'm going to be going to the same province Pink lives in, and I'll get to meet her while I'm there! X333 I'm really looking forward to it! :'D

I'm going to see if I can write some roleplay plots tonight, I think, since I haven't started a roleplay in a while, and I want to change that, aha. xD I'll have to find some paper first, though, so that should be interesting. 030

Anyway, I can't explain anything to you guys tonight, since it's already eight twenty four, and I have less than ten minutes before I have to get off for tonight. D: I think I'm going to stop writing for tonight now, though, since I'm not quite finished on RES, aha. ;u;' 

I'll be on again tomorrow, and I'll try to get more written then! ^^

Night guys! :3