I'll be going back to Mum's for a few days tomorrow! uvu

Yesss~ :3 I'll be there until Friday! :D

School is starting again in like two weeks, so I don't really have a whole lot of summer break left. D: It'll be nice to see most of my friends again, but other than that I'm not really looking forward to school, aha. xD I just don't feel like getting up early or having to deal with homework, other than that I don't mind it too much. .3. I start school again on September third, and then I only have like two days of school before it's the weekend and we're off again, ahaha. ewe I'm not complaining, though! xDD

Anyway, I have a bit of a headache and I'm really tired, so I think I'm going to get off for tonight. 030 I'll be on again tomorrow for sure, though! ;u;

I'll try to get more written here tomorrow! -w-

Good night guys! owo