My bed is gonna be really comfortable tonight. xD

Yesss. X3 I changed the sheets and made it and everything earlier, so it's all nice and the sheets are clean and stuff. ewe I'm probably going to dig out one of my really comfortable shirts to wear to bed too, ahaha~ :3

I joined PokeFarm Q too, since the original PokeFarm shut down at the end of October.. .3. I'm waiting for the transfer to be available again so I can transfer all of my pokemon up, or at least what has a counterpart on PokeFarm Q, aha - some of the unique ones don't have a spot on PokeFarm Q yet, so they can't be transferred yet. 030 I'm using the same username there as I was on PokeFarm though, so I'm still CometShard. :3 I'll update Abyssil's thing on the sidebar once I get him transferred up to PokeFarm Q, though he won't be a Replisol anymore because we can't transfer items, eeeh. D: If the item I need ends up available on PokeFarm Q I'll probably buy it though, aha. uvu

Anyway, it's getting late and I'm really tired, so I think I'm gonna get off for tonight. ^^;

I'll be on again tomorrow, though! :D

Night guys! X3