My ears have been ringing on and off all daaaayy. ;u;

Yeaaaahhhh. ;u; I'm not really sure why, and it's not a big deal or anything, just kinda annoying, aha. xD 

My cold's definitely better than it was last Sunday, or really most of this week though, so that's good! :D I'm not coughing near as much as I was~ ewe

I'm not on my laptop tonight, since I had to turn it off and move it so I had somewhere to put my plate for supper tonight, so I can't really type a whole lot about last weekend tonight, ehhhh. D: 

I'm gonna try to talk about it tomorrow, though, assuming I have the chance, but I'm not sure if I will or not, since I'm gonna hopefully try to do at least some stuff for my film and video class tomorrow. .3. 

Anyway, it's really late again, and I'm kinda tired, so I think I'm gonna get off for tonight. ;o; 

I'll be on again tomorrow for sure, though, and I'll try to get more written here then if I can! uvu

Good night guys! :3