There's so many blueberries growing in the yard at Dad's. :'D

Yeah! X3 There's toooons, and Dad, Melissa and I basically filled a decent-sized plastic container with them this afternoon and we barely even made a dent in how many are growing out there. xD
We've also got blackberries growing in the yard, too! :D There's less of them than there is blueberries, but they're still there. :o There's cranberries, too.
I didn't really do a whole lot today, honestly! I poked around online for a while, and picked blueberries, and I was drawing for a little while too, but otherwise I didn't really do much of anything, aha. xD That's not a bad thing, though! :3
Anyway, I wish I could write more here tonight, but it's already after ten PM, so I have to go to bed for tonight. ;o;
I'll be on again tomorrow for sure, though! ;u; I'll try to write more here then.
Good night, guys! owo