Tonight was kind of wild. xD

Yesss. xD Not in a bad way though! I had a really good night tonight. :3
Jayden ended up coming trick or treating with Melissa and I tonight, and Melissa had her friends Logan and Myles come with us, too! :D
I didn't find out until last night that I could have someone come with me or anything, so Grahm ended up not being able to come with us this year since he had plans with his brother, but that's fine! ^^
Melissa, Miles, Logan, Jayden and I ended up swapping or giving each other a whole lot of stuff we got, and that got to the point where Jayden started tossing the things I was giving him back because he thought I was giving him too much, ahaha. xD
I went as Thresh this year, since I spent so long on the scythe and I wanted to use it for more than just one day since I'm probably not gonna have an opportunity to wear any cosplay stuff until next September now, when the next con is! :o I actually put the makeup around my eyes and had the green fleece thing (that's actually just the scarf thing I made to match the one my character Alexander has, aha) around my neck though, so I was a little more in-costume tonight than I was for Saturday of the con! :D
I wish I could write more here tonight, I still wanna talk about the con and stuff, but it's really late and I'm honestly really tired after tonight, so I think I should probably go to bed. quq
I'll be on again tomorrow for sure! uvu And I'll try to get more written here then. ^^
Night guys! :3