It snowed for a lot of today, and the whole time my phone said there was a 0% chance of snow. xD

I think it was just a liiiiittle bit wrong, ahaha. x'D So that was pretty funny, and kind of just added to the mess that today was, honestly?
There was this "jail your teacher" thing happening at school today, and students could pay $1 a minute for up to twenty minutes to "jail" whatever teacher they had at the time, meaning that teacher had to go down to the main lobby and sit behind this set of bars, which is kind of just funny all on its own. Aaand so my chemistry class ended up jailing our teacher for the last twenty minutes of class, and it ended up with like four people all up at the board and putting pictures up and stuff. :o
At one point there was pictures of a dollar bill, the Lebanon flag, an okapi, two crocodiles, and a spoon up on the board, and this guy Zach just goes "as you can see, crocodiles... don't exist." xD
And after a few minutes another teacher walked in, and instead of stopping us like I thought he was going to, he just looked at what was happening on the board and went "hey, you know there's animations too, right?" :D
So that was our adventure! x'D I took a couple pictures of what the board looked like by the end of it, too, if I have the chance I'll try to post them here tomorrow or something! uvu
Anyway, I wish I could write more here tonight, but it's already almost ten PM, so I have to get off for today. quq
I'll be on again tomorrow for sure, though, and I'll try to write more here then! :o
Night guys! ^.^