Merry Christmas, our power is out! xD

Yes! xD It went out around 6:50 PM-ish, and I guess it's not supposed to come back on until after eleven now, which sucks. :o 

Our router is running on the backup battery now, so I have at least a little bit of wifi left before I have to switch to data, so that's good! uvu I figured I'd write this now while I still have the option to use wifi rather than data, and while my battery is still not dead too, since it's at 35% now. ;o; 

It's absolutely disgusssssting here, the roads have been bad all day, ehhh. ;u; Melissa and I were supposed to be staying at Dad's tonight, but guess where we're not right now? xD 

Ah well though, we're gonna see what the roads are like tomorrow, so we'll probably end up at Dad's then. 

I'd like to talk about my day today, but I think I'm gonna stop writing here for tonight while I still have some battery left so I can wish a few more people a merry Christmas before I go to bed. ;o; 

I'll be on again tomorrow for sure, though, and I'll try to write more here then! :3

Merry Christmas, guys! :D