The snow has started, and just eeehhh, I don’t like this. xD

It’s supposed to be spriiiiiing. quq 

It might mean school will get cancelled tomorrow though, which would be nice. xD 

I did end up going bowling with Dad and Melissa today, so that was fun! ^.^ We ended up playing three games instead of the usual two, but turns out two is probably enough, because none of us were as into it the third time and we all ended up doodling stuff as jokes on the score sheet when it wasn’t our turn, aha. xD 

And other than that, I didn’t really do anything today, honestly! :o I mean, I had a shower, so that’s something, but other than that today was pretty nonproductive, oops. x’D

I’m just waiting for Melissa to finish talking to Mum on the phone, and then I’ll talk to her and then I’m probably gonna go to bed, or at least lay down. uvu I figured I would do this now though, since I don’t really have a whole lot else to do, aha! 

I think I’m gonna stop writing for today, though, since Melissa will be done on the phone any time now. :o

I’ll be back on again tomorrow for sure! :D I’ll try to write more here then. 

Night guys! ovo