Today was better than the last two days, but still a long day. ;o;

Yeah. ;v; Hopefully tomorrow is just overall better, though! 

Things have pretty much been a mess with the whole situation with my ex-friend, things started back up and the residence co-ordinator brushed it off, and overall it’s just been a big mess. quq 

I’m probably going home tomorrow evening though, so that’s good! :o If it rains I’ll have to stay tomorrow night and go back Saturday morning instead, though. 

Anyway, I’m kinda just really tired now, and I’m probably going on a walk with one of my friends here in a bit since it’s just overall been a stressful few days for everyone, it seems like things are a mess for everyone individually and just ehhh. quq

I’ll be back on again tomorrow though, so hopefully I can write more here then! :o

Good night guys! uvu