I turn 20 in less than a week. :o

Yeah. :o That’s kinda weird to think about, honestly? I don’t think it’s fully hit me yet or anything, but I think it’s at least starting to sink in now, aha. xD 

I found out tonight that Moshi Monsters is closing down in December too, which is also really weird to think about? ;o; I’m not really super surprised, because it kinda did seem to be dying after the forums closed, but it is a little sad to think about after I spent so much time there. quq

The concert last night was really good! :D It was pretty long, I knew a bunch of the songs that got played too which was really cool. :o I didn’t get back to campus until midnight though, and then Dad and Melissa didn’t get home until two. quq So it was a laaaate night for them, but I think we all had fun! :D

Anyway, I think I’m gonna go to bed for tonight, but I’ll be back on again tomorrow for sure! :o

Good night guys! :D