So I have a flyer inside my car door now.

Yeaaaah. ;o; Someone had the bright idea of forcing a flyer into the bottom crack of my driver’s side window, and it was really wet and it was stuck so bad that I wouldn’t have been able to pull it out without tearing it, and I tried to roll the window down a bit to get it out that way instead and it got sucked into my door instead. :/ 

It shouldn’t cause any damage or anything Dad says, but woooof. It should’ve just been stuck under the windshield wipers instead of being so forced into my window. I hate that someone was touching my car to do it too, and just ehhhhhh. qoq 

I might actually call them tomorrow maybe? I’m willing to bet I’m not the only one that’ll happen to and maybe if I call they’ll stop doing it that way or something. I think it’s like a pawn shop or something, the only thing I really remember from the one Allie got was that they sell used jewellery too. I think we’re probably gonna get the flyer from his car tomorrow either way.

Anyway, I think I’m gonna get off for tonight, I’m really tired and I have to be up at seven tomorrow to get ready for class. quq

I’ll be back on again tomorrow for sure, though! :o

Good night guys. ;v;