I have grad photos tomorrow. :o

Yeah, so hopefully those turn out well! :o It shouldn’t take too long or anything, and I already have an idea on what to expect after having grad photos for highschool too, so that’s good. 

That’s pretty much the only notable thing that I’ve got planned for tomorrow, honestly! Besides that it’s pretty much just gonna be a day of work. quq 

Today was pretty much that too, life drawing and then working on my final film. :o After that Allie and I went to get groceries, and then I had supper, and that was pretty much it. xD 

I’m really tired now though, so I figured I’d get something written here now before I start winding down before bed! ^^ I miiiight be calling Aidan tonight but I’m not sure, it pretty much just depends on how long I can stay awake, aha. xD

So I think I’m gonna get off for tonight now, but I’ll be on again tomorrow for sure! :D

Good night guys! ovo