We went to this giant flea market today! :D

Yeah! ^.^ So that was fun, I ended up coming back with a brown and white cat beanie baby named Pounce, and two little porcelain cats! :o 

They’re all older than I am, aha, Pounce is from around 1997 and the porcelain cats came with Red Rose Tea back in the 1970s I guess! :o So that’s pretty cool. 

The time change hasn’t messed me up tooo much so far, but I ended up awake a lot later than I wanted to be last night, by the time I was ready to try to sleep I couldn’t for a while. quq So I’m really tired tonight, but hopefully tonight doesn’t go too bad! :o

Anyway, I might be calling Aidan before I go to bed, so I think I’m gonna get off for tonight now so I can maybe do that! :D

I’ll be back on again tomorrow for sure, though! ovo

Good night guys! ^^