I’m gonna have to go back to the dentist. qoq

Yeaaah, I’m still getting pain in my back tooth sometimes. ;o; So that really sucks, this is gonna be the third time I’ve gone in and had it looked at. They shaved a bit off of it last time in case it was just a high spot on the tooth, and if that didn’t fix it they thought it might be a microfracture, and I discovered tonight that it still hurts sometimes. :/

So I guess I’m probably gonna call on Monday and see when they can get me back in to look at this tooth yet again. 

Anyway, I’m really tired and it’s really late anyway, so I think I’m gonna get off for tonight so I can go to bed! ;o; 

I’ll be back on again tomorrow for sure, though, and hopefully I have something better to talk about here then! quq

Night guys! ;v;