Today went by suuuper fast but it still feels like it should be way later than it is. quq

Yeaaah, it feels more like almost 12:30 at least rather than almost 11:30, aha. xD

I’m at Aidan’s now, and I’ll be here until Monday evening, so that’s really good! :D 

We didn’t really do anything particularly noteworthy today, Aidan was playing Super Meat Boy for a while and I watched him do that, and that was pretty much the most noteworthy thing that happened today. :o 

I’m just getting ready for bed now, it’s starting to get late and I’ve been really tired tonight so I’m probably better off crashing sooner rather than later. quq So I think I’m gonna get off for tonight now so I can finish getting ready for bed, but I’ll be back on again tomorrow for sure! :D

Good night guys! ovo