It actually rained this morning! :o

Yeah! :o So that was surprising, at least for me, anyway. The upside is that it was warm enough to rain, so a lot of the ice in the driveway probably melted! I just hope it wasn’t enough water that it didn’t drain away so it doesn’t refreeze. quq 

Today was pretty noneventful besides that! ;v;’ It was a really grey day outside so I didn’t have as much energy as I would’ve liked. I spent most of the day drawing, and then I played some Story of Seasons this evening! :o

Anyway, it’s getting pretty late and I’m pretty tired too, so I think I’m gonna get off for tonight now so I can get ready for bed! uvu 

I’ll definitely be back on again tomorrow, though! ^.^ I’ll hopefully have something more interesting to talk about here then. 

Night guys! :D