I can’t wait for it to be bright out later in the evening again! :D

Yeah! :D I like that aspect of the time change happening tonight, but I don’t like the part where I have to recalibrate my internal clock. quq Definitely not looking forward to losing the hour of sleep, but at least I don’t have to be up early for any reason! 

I helped Dad make cookies this morning, which was nice! ^^ We made the oatmeal chocolate chip cookies I’ve made before, they turned out a lot flatter this time, but they still taste just as good! :D 

I picked up supper in town for Dad and I too, and I swept in my room this afternoon, so it was a pretty productive day in the end! :o

I’m just getting ready for bed now, I’m gonna do my best to get to sleep earlier tonight than I have been recently because of the time change, so I think I’m gonna stop writing here for tonight now so I can finish my routine! ^^

I’ll definitely be back on again tomorrow, though! :D

Good night guys! ovo