My violets aren’t happy with the lack of sun. ;o;

Yeaaah, it’s been a really rainy and grey few days here, and my violet plants are starting to wilt as a result. qoq They perked up a bit today after I put them outside to try to get them at least some light while it was just cloudy and not raining, and I’m gonna put them back outside tomorrow too, so hopefully they perk up more after that. quq 

Today was just another work day! :o I don’t really have a lot to say about it, honestly, it wasn’t particularly noteworthy. ;v;’

I’m really sleepy now, and it’s really late anyway, so I think I’m just gonna get off for today now and go to bed! ;v; 

I’ll be back on again tomorrow for sure, though, and I’ll hopefully have more to talk about here then! ^^

Night guys! :D