It’s gonna be interesting to see how much snow we get tonight and tomorrow. quq

Yeaaah, it’s supposed to kinda storm from the sounds of it! ;v; I’m hearing that it might end up being like a foot of snow in the end. 

I’m gonna be really glad for the little snow blower that Dad got last year, it’ll make shovelling the step waaay easier and faster. :o Our step is really big so it usually ends up being an endeavor for me to shovel it.

In other news, I visited Mum for a while tonight, which was really nice! :D 

I picked up one of the air mattresses we have there too so I can take that with me this weekend, I know I have a good place to sleep at Thomas’s, but I’ve never been to Em’s before and there’ll be a couple other people staying over there too so I figured I’d take my own air mattress so I know for sure I have a decent spot to sleep. ^^

Anyway, I’m really sleepy and it’s really late now too, so I think I’m gonna stop writing here for tonight now so I can go to bed! uvu

I’ll definitely be back on again tomorrow, though! :D

Night guys! ovo