My arm is barely sore at all after the booster! :D

Yeah! :D I’m really surprised, I thought I would be feeling it a lot more by now! :o I’m really hoping that it’ll stay this way for tomorrow too, but I’ll have to see what state I wake up in, haha! 

It snowed a lot today too, which was really surprising! The forecast was only calling for some flurries, but it snowed almost all day and we got like 6 inches of snow, or maybe a bit more than that even? ;v; Thankfully it was fluffy snow, so it wasn’t heavy at all and it wasn’t wet either so there wasn’t a ton of ice to scrape off of my car this afternoon when I went to town. :o 

Anyway, it’s really late now and I’d like to get to sleep sooner rather than later, so I think I’m gonna stop writing here for tonight now! ;v; 

I’ll be back on again tomorrow for sure, though! ^-^

Night guys! :D