I went through most of the rest of my binders today! :o

Yeah! :o I've pretty much gotten through the bin of them that I had in my room at Mum's, but I still have a few hanging around my room and bookshelf there yet to go through. I think that's mostly (comparatively) newer ones, I thiiink the newest I found in the bin was super early 2015? So I still have grades 10-12 to go through once I have them pulled out from wherever they're at right now. I'll be glad to get them sorted through! ^^
I helped move some stuff around today at Mum's too, and I dropped off a resume in town for a place that's hiring part time too, so that was all good to get done! :o I'm hoping to get on somewhere part time in the meantime while I wait for my next contract to start.

Anyway, it's really late and my head kinda hurts, so I think I'm gonna stop writing here for tonight now so I can go to bed! quq

I'll be back on again tomorrow for sure, though! :D

Good night guys! uvu