Turkey dinner at my grandparents’ was really good today! :D

Yeah! :D We had that for lunch today, so that was super good, and then we had some of the leftover turkey for supper tonight too. ^.^ They were happy we came down to visit and have dinner I think, so that was really nice to be able to do! :D

I didn't do much else besides that today, I played some Hades and Stardew and that was pretty much it! :o 

I'm just getting ready for bed now, I'm trying to be ready for bed sooner than I have been so I can try to fix my sleep schedule. quq I've been up later than I want to be pretty consistently, it's always like 12:30 or maybe even a little later when I end up asleep, but I'd really like to be going to sleep at 12. 

Anyway, I think I'm gonna wrap this up for tonight now so I can finish getting ready for bed, but I'll be back on again tomorrow for sure! ^^

Good night guys! :D