It wasn’t very nice out this morning but the snow didn’t last! :o

Yeah! :o The highway wasn't salted on the drive in to town for work this morning which was kind of nuts, Dad drove me in thankfully so I didn't have to deal with the icy roads myself! By the time I got off work this afternoon things had melted quite a bit, we didn't even have to shovel the steps or anything in the end which was really nice! 

Work was suuuper quiet this morning, we didn't have anyone in the store except for the 3 of us that were working until an hour and a half after we opened. quq I got a lot of tagging and stuff done today though as a result, so that was good! 

Anyway, I think I'm gonna wrap this up for tonight now so I can get ready for bed, but I'll be back on again tomorrow for sure! ^.^

Night guys! :D