I have one more art prompt to do! ;o;

Yeah, for the waterdog event that's been happening this month! I was hoping to have time to get through both of the last two today, but I wound up hyperfocusing on the first one and spent a looot longer on it than I expected to. quq So I'm hoping to get through the last one tomorrow, with any luck, but I'll have to see what time and energy I have left after work!

So today was mostly a drawing day, and I washed all my blankets and stuff too! :o

I listened to a lot more Six of Crows today too, and that's been super good! :D I'm like halfway through the first book already, which is a lot farther than I thought I'd get today.

Anyway, I think I'm gonna wrap this up for tonight now so I can get ready for bed, but I'll be back on again tomorrow for sure! ^^

Night guys! :D