We drove 1500 kilometres between today and yesterday. o.o

Yeah. :o That's what Dad says, anyway. That's like driving from here to Ottawa, which is reeeally weird to think about, aha. xD
I'm home now, though! :D We got home around eight. uvu
I played a looot of Fire Emblem Awakening between today and yesterday, I put almost six hours into it and almost four of those were just today. xD
I'm really loving the random font change in yesterday's entry, I don't know what happened there, I thought it looked like that on my iPod when I posted it last night but I didn't know if it was just the internet being weird or not, and then I didn't know how to fix it either, whoops. 030
I've just been going through stuff and poking around a little online since I got home, since I haven't had much of a chance the past couple days, and now it's starting to get kinda late, so I should probably go to bed. ;u;' I woke up a whole bunch of times during the night last night, and overall I'm kinda really tired, so sleep sounds really good about now, ahaha. x'D I'll hopefully sleep well tonight! :3
So I think I'm gonna get ready for bed so I can sleep, but I'll be on again tomorrow for sure! ^^ I'll try to get more written here then if I can! :D
Night guys! ewe