6 accounts, one user.

.............. On Moshi Monsters xDD I made foru new accounts. They areeee...





Ja. Then my 2 older ones are:



And I'll be getting that "Cometshardbackup" one later this morning.l She should be on in about... an hour and 15 minutes. :3 She's gonna send mai-mew a friend request with the pass to the account, since she doesn't need it. It's all set up, meaning I don't have to wait like I do for the others.

I'm going to my summer home again, this time for two nights. So, that means... No WiFi. But if we go to my grandparent's then their computer might be on, and I might get on. And if we go to a resturant they might have free WiFi. I'll probably write something for here, but no guarantees. I might get some drawings done, too~ If I do I'll post them here. I want to get a flipnote done, too..

Speking of flipnotes.. The new Flipnote Studio is out in Japan ^o^ Meaning.. It should be here soon! X33 Heheheheheh~ I can't wait for it! ^o^ New colors, an extra layer.. The only thing bugging me is the grid in the background. But I have something I'd like to try out with that. >.> I have a plan. I wonder if the grid will be there...

*sighs and hisses at sister* We gety outside. I tell her. "I don't want to play Pokemon." She responds. "I want the Zorua." I say no and she gets mad. I don't play Pokemon outside. Nooo. *sigh* So we get in here, and I get the computer. "Set a timer." She says. Set a timer. No. I'm in charge here, 'till Mum gets home. You can't tell me what to do.

I'm downloading an absolute ton of manga to the PlayBook. I had to go from MangaReader to AnimeA for Kagerou Days.. Thirteen chapters. .-. I have 14 chapters of Loveless downloading, 13 chapters of Angel Beats, and 13 of Kagerou Days. I need to find and up-to-date manga app that's free..

I finished Colorblind's form.. Here:

Name: Colorblind
Age: seventeen
Gender: Male
Hair: A mixture of red and black
Eyes: Red
Clothes: Black jacket, black jeans, darker red shirt, red belt
Personality: Troubled, nervous, quiet
Other: He often refuses to talk, due to a bad experience. He is often bullied or tormented.

And am I the only one who can't bold, underline, or make my words italics? The buttons for them are missing.