I just sat/stood in the heat for four hours.

And I just got home. ._. Gah.. I don't feel good. Again. And it might be because I didn't drink anything at all while I was there. I only actually had something to drink about twenty minutes ago, in the car on the way home.

And it looks like I might not update this this weekend. .-. I'm going to my grandparents' place. And if I come here I might get questions about it, and I honestly don't want to explain every detail I write or do here. No. I have stuff written here no-one I know in person knows, with the exception of Kayla. And if I have to explain RES to them, then it's either going to be:

1.) It's a category on the forums for this site.

2.) It's a role playing category for this site.


3.) I don't know how to explain it.

And then I might get more questions. In the order of the ones above, I'll probably get these in response:

1.) What site is it? What do you do on it?

2.) What site is it?

And then nothing for the third.

And if they see the screenshots... O-o There's the possibility I'll have to explain what they are, who's in them, why I took them, and, in the case of being called cute / being found out, I might have to explain Andy / my crush on Andy. O_O I don't want to explain that. No. Way.

I just realized it's Sunday xD I knew it was, but I forgot. I lose track in the summer xD

I had a new name idea for a new chara. But it doesn't go through the filterrrr... And after I tried so hard to remember it, too.. Dang.. It was "Ceilidh". It's Galic. *face desk* I wanted to use it so bad.. Bah, I'll ask them to put it through (Multiple times), along with a few text faces. Then I'll test them tomorrow.

:O I checked my access log. Two things:

I have 648 hits. Total. And over 200 weekly. ewe And a grand total of.... *drumroll* 9 today xD

It looks like someone looked up my blog. ewe It has an access rate thinger on it, meaning they clicked on it. Look-

Oh, 'course it won't upload. -.-" Lemme try the other screenshot.


Oh, shoot. It's reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal small. But it uploaded, on a higher note ewe Finally! Now, I'lll make it bigger.


This makes me feel all special xD Even if it was one of you comment-leavers. ewe


^^And there's the search keywords. I clicked on the link it gave me on the access log.

Oh yes. Kayla and I came up with this in June. ^-^

When we were born, maybe we all had cat ears. They removed them at birth, and the shock caused us to forget.

Therefore, I am part cat. ^-^