:O There's thunder and raaaaaaaaaaaaain tonight.

Yep. :3 

Oh well xD

As you can see, I got the computer for a while ewe I probably have it for about an hour. 

030 I didn't do much today at all.. I mainly just played Animal Crossing and I went to the shore. xD Other than that I did nothing. Literally. Unless you count the ten minutes spent reading a magazine. 

I have absolutley no idea what to write here tonight. 030 Noooo idea. 

Oh yeah. I had another dream about Andy xD This time he was an actual person and not just a name. And I don't care if he reads this, or Jermis (Who might tell him xD), because I don't remember anything about the dream except that he was in it, and me, and some random guy. :3 But I woke up at about 5 AM, and I went downstairs to the bathroom, and all of a sudden I realized who it was and was like "OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! :O" and realized xD I've been thinking about it all day, trying to remember the rest of the dream, but it's not working. 030 

I have Rolos ewe But I'm not eating them yet. We don't have any kind of sweets at the house in my knowlege except for two cookies xD

This feels really random 030 Then again, it is xD I don't really have anything much to say, but I have yet to miss a day of updating my blog, sooo... Yeah. I want to keep this streak going. I've had this for 9 weeks, according to the submit button-thing, and I've added an entry every single day of those nine weeks ewe I'm kinda proud of this. I've managed to get it updated even with no WiFi. At Boston Pizza I got it with free WiFi, and now this~

I know I'll get this updated tomorrow! ^o^ We're coming here again for turkey, meaningggggg... I GET TE COMPUTER AGAINNNN~! :D

So yeah. You can most likely expect something from me here tomorrow. ewe

NOW. Imma ask for the very first time "Does anyone have these names" on RES xD I've been there for 4 months and have never, ever asked if anyone had the names I wanted to use. I usually just think of them and use them. :3 

Let's see how many names I have left of the hundred-some after this xD