So I was digging through my 19 flip folders.

And I found..

-Old flips

-Flips that suck

-Unfinished flips

-Old flips that are unfinished because they suck xD

I started on folder 5 and got to folder 10. I want to animate so bad >.< But I have no audio to work with. (I mean that. :/ 19 folders gets me nowhere. I only work out of the newest two folders usually. I feel really restricted because I've basically used all the audio from folders 18 and 19 that I have ideas for. DX

*face palm* I looked at my messages on dA. 

"!Kurtis-the-Snivy has added you to their deviantWATCH" 

The "!" next to a user there means they've been banned or deactivated. :/ I doubt they'd watch me then after 5 hours deactivate, so I'm guessing they got banned. 030 *sigh* That makes 5 people wacthing me who are banned or deactivated..

I think I've figured out something.


-That one crazy guy who acts like a dinosaur

-Usually the one who's doing the stuff worth mentioning

-Gets talked about at home more than other people.

My conclusion: This is the guy who does the interesting/crazy things.

My parents' conclusion: She talks about him too much. SHE MUST LIKE HIM. >.> 


-That one Italian guy on dA I have a slight crush on.

-Never been talked about before offline. EVER. 

My conclusion: Meh. 030 I kinda like him.

Parents' conclusion: //doesn't know he exists//


-That one guy who I like

-Has been talked about maybe once or twice. Maybe. Possibly not at all.

My conclusion: Yep. :3 I like this guy.

Parents' conclusion: //might not know he exists// That's just one of her online friends. 

xD Insanity made a "Ship your favorite RESidents!" thread on RES. I got shipped with Love, and I'm pretty sure that Love is a girl too. So. I shipped Hail and Bowling xD Haha, it's scaring Zoshi. This is fuuuuuuuuuuun xDDD I think I just died. xD Jakie shipped Andy and me. //is somewhat scared of writing this here due to Jermis being a reader// Pink just shipped us too! :D xD I wonder what he'd say to this. //prepares evil thoughts on telling him about this// This should be interesting >:D AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAAHAH I GOT TIN. xDDDD Tin hadn't been done yet, and so I paired Tin with Zoshi. I don't know if Tin is a boy, though. Zoshi is female and I'm pretty sure they're straight. NOW TO GET COCO BUNNY. 

Now I've been paired with Re xD By Strange eh.


And now me and Pikachu by Tin xD

And now Insanity did me and Andy. xDD

I'm using xD too much.


We got a "Cries. Cries uncontrollably" out of Andy xDDD

Now I've been shipped with Ivy eh. //both female yet again//

And now with Mad. Again, both female. 

Now Strange eh and me. I don't know about this one xD

Kk shipped Andy and me again ewe

I've been shipped with Andy four times so far! 

SO. I've been shipped with the following so far:



-Andy again



-Andy xD


-Strange eh


Now with Blue (Strange eh's chara) and Zoshi xD

I have to go. And just for reactions (As far as you know) I shipped Andy and me.