;=; Why are there so many trolls on RES today?

Some idiots calling themselves 'The Pretty Club' were fighting with Welcoming earlier today.

RES came and helped out, and they ended up coming to us, and even tried to take over.

Apparently, we're all going to bow down to the one they call Gloss.

Yeeeeeeeeeeeah no.

And earlier than that, some CCers and someone from TFS tried to convince us to evacuate RES and protest in CCer for a week or two.

Against the filter.

Then, the one from TFS said that anyone not a little kid was a big baby, and he was flipping fourteen.

So yeah, RES has been sunshine and rainbows for the past three hours. Wooo.

I think it's dying down now, which is good.

I've been on one of my backups for a while now, though some fighting was done with my main.. .-.

I was working on a new speedpaint on flipnote earlier. This one is the most annoying one I've done so far xD

On a seperate note, I got my homework done earlier xD

And I'm doing some stuff with some song lyrics.. Speaking of which, can you guys tell me what song this is maybe?

I am the first, the last
The hot and the cold
I have a stone heart
In my dreams you don't exist

Ah Ah Ah.
You don't exist
Ah Ah Ah.

Yes, it's in different colors xD

I'm playing with the colors on RES.

Pfffft. xD One of those 'Pretty Club' members says that you can't be banned enough times to have it so moshi won't let you register with that specific email.

I'll get Carmen to tell her xD

Oooh, I really like how this one looks. owo

It's me
I will paint
My words of love

*chuckles* I see. The 'Pretty Club' alternates the members who're online, I think...

The thing is, they're nine, trying to take over categories.

Aahahahahaa, like that's gonna happen xD

I realized that sounds kinda mean, but I didn't mean to. .3.

It appears to be dying down a bit, which is good.

I can't belive it isn't eight PM yet.. :O Time is crawling by tonight.

Okay, I'm gonna stop typing now and deal with my fangirling.

//runs off somewhere//

I'll possibly explain tomorrow.
