SO. I made a few new charas.

Atreyu, the assassin, and the camo wolf with the nickname Dredge.

Huntress, the pink and purple sparkly wolf. -Kayla voice- It's FABULOUS!

xD That's what she told me about Huntress.

I had a dream last night with three pink and purple sparkly wolves, three camo wolves, and three basketball-playing wolves xDD

I didn't actually get to meet them, they were in a picture in something I was reading in my dream.. It was for like a boarding school for special people, like, with shifting powers and wings and such uvu

I forgot to write this thing today.. DX

Or rather, I didn't have a whole lot of time.. ^-^;

I was just live role playing, and earlier I was drawing a speedpaint since Melissa was on the computer, and there was school before that, and when I did get the computer I was talking to a bunch of people and such...  Eheheheh. -w-


I think Miles is gonna come to our place on Sunday, meaning once he gets here I'm automatically kicked off the computer so he and Melissa can play that minecraft thing. .-.

I don't play minecarft.. I tried once, couldn't figure out how to move the guy and quit xD

I'm getting the feel of Atreyu 'Dredge' and Huntress on RES and in dA notes with Pink..

I named Atreyu Dredge first, but I wanted that as just a nickname, and when I was live role playing with Melissa, 'Atreyu' hit me and it fits xD

On full moons, Atreyu gets all super charged and full of energy xDD

Aw, dang.. I have to go now.. D:

I'll be on dA and RES as usual tomorrow morning.
