Midnight's still hanging in there. ;u;

Yeah, he didn't really get any worse today, but Melissa's still really worried and sad and upset and I still feel bad for her and just ehhhhh. ;u; We're not sure how long Midnight's going to be here, but he's still here right now, and he actually sat with me and let me pet him for a while earlier. He never actually did that before now, he was always moving around and sniffing at me, aha. He was a little bit like that with Melissa earlier, but he's still really tired and he's been sleeping a lot (This might be normal though, we're probably just noticing it more now that he's not as full of energy as he used to be), and his nose isn't really wiggling like it usually is unless Melissa is holding him- Mum was holding him for a while and his nose was still the whole time, and it was pretty much the same for me when I was holding him. 

I still don't have any good pictures of him just yet, but I might ask Mum tomorrow if I get the chance. uvu

Anyway, it's getting late and I'm really tired, so I think I'm going to get off for tonight. ;u;' 

I'll be on again tomorrow for sure, and I'll let you guys know how Midnight is doing then too! ^^ 

Good night guys! ;u;