I think the power just started flickering a little. D:

Yeah. D: The lights kinda dimmed for a second, and you could hear everything sorta stop too. ;u; I figured I'd get this done now just in case it does go out, so then I won't have to worry about it if the power doesn't come back on for a while. uvu

It's been really gross outside for most of today, it's been snowing and raining and the roads are really bad too. :/ I didn't have school today since today was the make-up day for exams, and all of mine are finished, so that's good at least. 030 Melissa had to go to school for the first half of the day, and then they sent her school home around noon, so both of us have been home almost all day, aha. xD

I didn't really do a whole lot today, honestly! owo I got Undertale yesterday, and I thought I might play that, but then I just kinda didn't, aha. xD I might play after supper though, depending on the time! :D Even if the power goes out I'll still be able to play, my laptop still has most of its battery left so I'd be good for a little while at least~ uvu

My throat's been feeling weird the past couple days now, and I feel like I'm going to lose my voice at some point. D: Hopefully that doesn't happen, though. ;u; 

I'll be going into another town not far from here with Mum on Monday, since school won't start again until Tuesday, so that'll be good! ^^ I'll be getting a new schedule for my classes on Tuesday too, since it'll be a new semester. :3

I haven't written an entry this long in a reeeally long time, aha, sorry guys. xD Half the time I end up doing something else, and then I end up writing my entries right before I have to go to bed, since I'm still determined to keep up with them~ owo 

I'm glad I got to get this much written tonight, though! :D I'd write more here too, but I'm using my iPad to write and I almost can't see what I'm writing anymore since my keyboard is in the way. xD But hopefully I'll be able to write longer entries more often! 

Anyway, I'll be on again tomorrow! :3 

Bye guys! :D