The power has been out almost all day. ;=;

Yeah. ;-; It was out from like eleven this morning until like ten to five or something, and then it stayed on for like a half hour before going out again. D: It just came back on, so I wanted to get this done in case it goes out again and doesn't come back on before I go to bed. ;u; 

We have a generator to power our water, heating and fridge and stuff, so that's good, but other than that not a whole lot has power if the power goes out. .3. 

Anyway, I'd write more here tonight if I knew I could rely on the power staying on, and if I wasn't in the middle of eating supper, aha. xD I have to go finish eating and stuff, and hopefully the power stays on! owo

I'll be on again tomorrow, though! I'll try to get more written here then. ewe

Bye guys! ^-^