I'm gonna get to see Thomas tomorrow! :D

Yesss! ewe

I haven't seen him since like October, so I'm really looking forward to it~ owo I wish I could see Justin and Jordan too, but they're both gonna be busy while I'm down where they live. ;u; Ah well though, I'll be down there again sometime and hopefully I'll get to see them then! ^^ 

Melissa, Mum and I are going to be getting a new betta fish tomorrow, too! :D There's a pet store up in the city we're going to, and we're going to stop there and hopefully get another fish. uvu If we do get a new fish I'll post pictures here when I can! :3

Anyway, it's getting late, and I'm really tired, so I think I'm gonna go to bed for tonight. 030 

I'll be on again tomorrow for sure! :D I'll try to get more written here then. X3

Good night guys! owo