We got another fish today! :3

Yesssss. ewe I wish I could show you guys what he looks like, but he's been swimming around really fast, and it's not bright enough here anymore to actually get a good picture. ;u;' If I can get a picture of him tomorrow I might post it here! :D I think we've decided to name him Noel, since he's all red and silver colored. :3

I got to see Thomas for a bit today too, which was really great! ^^ I haven't seen him since like October, so it was really nice to get to see him. uvu

Anyway, I wish I could write more here tonight, but it's really late, and I'm really tired so I think I'm just gonna go to bed for tonight. qoq

I'll be on again tomorrow for sure, though! ^^ I'll try to get more written here then! owo

Night guys! -w-