I'm getting two cavities filled tomorrow, and just uuuuggggh. ;o;

I'm not looking forward to it at all. ;u; I've only had one cavity before this, but it involved a needle in my mouth and I haaaate that, I don't want that, eeeehhhh. ;o;
So, yeah. ;u;' That's gonna be my adventure tomorrow morning.
I'm maaaaybe gonna try to write my beginner's tomorrow afternoon, too, though? .3. I'm genuinely not sure if I'll end up doing that or not, but the thought's there, anyway. xD
Anyway, I wish I could write more here tonight, but it's already almost ten PM, so I have to get off for today. D:
I'll be on again tomorrow, though! I'll try to write more here then. ;o;
Good night guys! :o