So I have my beginner's now! 030

Yesss. 030 I wrote it during my free class today, I got three of the signs wrong but two of them were just swapped and I had them right to begin with. I thought I had five of the rules of the road questions wrong when I watched the lady correct them, but she said four, so either I miscounted or she just gave it to me. xD Either way, I have that now, so that's good! :o
So I can go to the con that's happening in Thomas's city at the end of the month, which is really the main reason I went and wrote the test today. xD I went to that con last year, and it was a toooon of fun, so I'm really excited to to this year, too! :D
I had two cavities filled today too, which suuuucked, and I'm not even sure they filled one they said they were gonna? o.o They filled one I didn't think they planned on doing anything with since it didn't come up on xrays or anything, but yeah. .3. The teeth I got the fillings in are sore now, but only when I try to eat or drink. ;u; Supper was kind of an adventure, ehhhh.
Anyway, I wish I could write more here tonight, but it's already almost nine forty five, so I have to get off for today. D:
I'll be on again tomorrow! ;u; I'll try to get more written here then for sure. uvu
Good night guys! ^^