I feel like I'm in a sorta adulthood/childhood purgatory now, honestly? xD

... Yeah. x'D If that makes any sense at all? Like, I'm not under eighteen anymore, so I'm not a minor, but the age of majority in Nova Scotia is nineteen, so I'm also not really considered an adult either, turns out? I thought it was eighteen, but turns out I was wrong, and now I don't know what I am, ahaha.
It's something, anyway? xD
I didn't really do much today, honestly! :o I drew some stuff, I finished an art trade and I finished the personal version I was doing of that last piece I did for my portfolio, and I did a couple other little things, too! Other than that I didn't do much that was really noteworthy. .3.
We went out to eat this evening though, and we had an ice cream cake afterwards! :D Mum put eighteen candles on the cake, and when I blew them out there was enough smoke to set off the smoke detectors in our kitchen and the hallway, which is kind of hilarious, aha. xD
Anyway, I wish I could write more here tonight, but it's late, and I'm really tired, so I think I'm just gonna go to bed. ;u;
I'll be on again tomorrow for sure, though! :o I'll try to get more written here then. ^^
Night guys! :3