I'm so sleepy right now, and I'm not even really totally sure why, honestly. ;u;

I mean, I don't think I had a significant lack of sleep last night or anything? :o I was asleep probably before eleven, and I woke up around eight but then I fell back asleep and Dad woke me up about forty five minutes later. .3. So I had probably almost nine hours in total.
But I'm still really sleepy anyway, which sorta sucks in a way, because I wanted to read or something before I went to bed, but I think I'm gonna have to just go to bed. xD
Ah well though, I don't have to get up at six thirty or anything tomorrow like I do on school nights, so that's good at least. uvu
I have some English homework still left to do, but other than that I don't think I'm really doing much tomorrow! :o So that'll be nice, I might draw or something for a while, maybe.
Anyway, I think I am gonna go to bed now though, so I'm gonna get off for today. ;u;'
I'll try to write more here tomorrow if I can! qoq I'll be on again then for sure. uvu
Night guys! ^^