I finished editing that essay I had to do for English not too long ago! ;u;

And I kind of just never want to look at it again, ehhhh. ;o; I'm tired of looking at it, honestly? I lost points for it being in first person point of view, but I wrote it in second, which is similar, but still not the same? quq So that's a bit of a pain, because it's an English class, so the teacher has definitely talked about second person before, and just eeeehhh.
I'm glad to be done with it, though. ;u; It's good that I'll be able to bump my mark up for it too, she marked it really harshly and it's definitely brought down my grade. ;o;
I didn't really do a whole lot today besides edit my essay, honestly! :o I did a load of laundry, which I sooorrta still have to put away, but honestly at this point I might just lay it on the end of my bed and deal with it tomorrow. xD I'm tirrrred, and it's getting kinda late anyway.
Either way, though, I think I'm gonna get off for tonight so I can go to bed or maybe just deal with that laundry to get it done. .3.
I'll be on again tomorrow for sure, though! owo I'll try to get more written here then. uvu
Good night guys! ^^