I just spent two hours playing Smash with Allie! :D

Yes! ^.^ So that was fun. xD

We spent most of the time putting the stage and both of our characters on random, rather than picking everything, and we had a lot of fun doing it that way! :o 

We both ended up playing a lot of characters we’d never played before, aha. xD

I’m just kinda starting to get ready for bed now, I’m just gonna wait for Aidan to be free so I can see him for a bit and then I’m gonna go to bed. :o I’m still recovering from my late night adventures during the end of March break I think, aha. ;v;’

So I think I’m gonna get off for tonight so I can get everything ready to go to bed! uvu But I’ll be back on again tomorrow, so I’ll try to write more here then.

Night guys! :D